May joy and happiness snow on you, may the bells jingle for you and may Santa be extra good to you!
Thank you all for being such wonderful blogging friends:)
Merry Christmas & a wonderful New Year!

~~ Drawing by Me:)
~~ People like this little girl make you stop and think about all the things you have, about all the things you take for granted instead of cherishing them for what they are - gifts.
~~And this little girl makes you wonder where from do people like her take the strength to laugh?
~~ Rest in peace, Shiloh Pepin!
The Good Man …
The Good Man is there,
Not pure, not perfect, not a saint
But The Good Man is there
Born by the power of God and all angels
Made by the power of own choice and will.
The Good Man is there-
Fighting his demons,
Erasing all possible masks,
Taking his chance,
Standing up for his beliefs
even when the world stands against.
The Good Man exists
Somehow there is a Good Man in all of us
It’s up to our choice to reveal his face to the world…
The Good Man is not strong as a wall
But he finds himself in an endless war with himself and his demons.
The Good Man is not perfect
But he finds himself in a ceaseless seeking of beauty and harmony.
The Good Man is not holy
But his passions find their roots in his seeking of truth.
The Good Man is there
But you won’t see him if you look for perfection
Being good is nothing easy
It takes patience, faith, trust and love
…for yourself and for the others
It takes Time, Strength and Errors.
The Bad Man is there too
But don’t despise him..
What would the Good Man be without the Bad Man?
The Good Man…
The Good Man is there
Not pure, not perfect, not a saint.
You think you're free,
But you are slave to their stupidity.
You think you're well,
But you are ruined by their demagogy.
They sell you lies,
They say transition.
Why can't you see it's their ambition
To call like this our crisis?
They want you to choose them
Every time.
But in return they only give you
Promises and lies.
Freedom of speech – You bet you have it!
But only in your mind.
Because in real life you are too coward
To say what's wrong or right
You know your rights but you don't know how
To use them for yourself.
But every four years you learn how
To use them for their wealth.
You go now and choose the one
That you consider the best
Go and put another straw
To his comfortable nest.
All you have is for today
Cause you never know tomorrow.
With them leading you to nowhere
You'll soon see just pain and sorrow.
After choosing your "great" leader
You discover he has sins,
He loves crimes and assassins,
He uses you as toilet paper
Voice of rage you hear now screaming
Inside your ignorant mind
Between those cheap market clones – called politicians
Only the best you can't find.
Of course, now, you start to scream
That you want another leader
With your friends you make a team
REVOLUTION – is what now the best you consider.
Hey, you stupid man
Just turn and look behind your back,
You are the one who chose those men.
Why do you want to break their necks?
We’ve gathered so many memories over the years…and there’s not one important moment of my life that we didn’t share.
Adventures, misfortunes or raptures we’ve tasted them together and there is no other friendship I cherish more than yours.
You are my closest friend and that is why I need to confess how our friendship translates to me:
for being a true friend!
~~ Andra might not know but she was my source of inspiration for this text.
Youth, holiest fairy of all
You embrace my body and dwell inside my soul
You give me wings to fly beyond what my sight reveals
You feed me hope, light and relief.
I am young – my age pours out of every breath I take
I live each day without a care for snow or rain
The sand goes through the hour-glass so slowly
That’s why I don’t mind if in my travel I’m accompanied or lonely.
Life is just opening its doors for me
It’s like I’d have an eternity on this Earth myself to be
I am snail walking through life – I have the time to do so.
To stroll forgotten alleys and listen to the whispers,
To watch the insects and their flight,
To ponder over nothingness.
This is the time when life looks pink
When dreams and hopes can raise and die in a wink
But there is always something new to catch my eye
That’s why I don’t mind if a dream might die.
This Earth is rich and blessed with much abundance
There are so many beauties to be seen, so many wonders!!
Too bad that we forget to watch them with an open heart
And let them bring us peace and bless us with their art!
Somehow I know my eyes give sense to the existence
Of stars and grass and little creature
Because, being a child, I am convinced they matter
I find my place among them – nature’s my alma mater.
I am snail walking through this life – and keep my eyes wide open
I pity those who rush their time and live with hearts so broken.
I praise the art of staying young by keeping alive the secret
Dropping all arms and giving in – remember – it’s not cricket.
Believe in life and keep your faith, don’t let yourselves forgotten
Dance in the grass and smile with the beauty this Earth’s begotten
Sing with the birds and like the Sun don’t lose the hope of raising
And when the time for setting comes accept it stately, without fighting.
But make sure you have spent your time slowly and witty
That you’ve enjoyed the little wonders that are seemingly petty
And if you honestly desire in this life to be happy
Just please remember – happiness is never brought by things that are material or bulky.
Snail-walk with me and keep inside a soul most pure
Snail-walk with me and learn to act at once childish and mature
You see – this is my secret and my truth
Happiness and peace are brought to me by this fairy called so beautifully Youth.
© The Outlaws' Song 2009
~~ Photo Credit: RowanIris -- see her gallery here
by Doina aka The Outlaws' Song
I'm just a girl
jailed inside a heavy golden box
I'm trapped under my beauty
I'm locked up with brightness
I'm caged in too much trust
And I'm alone
Jailed inside the heavy golden box
I seed love – harvest envy
I dig for beauty – receive hatred
I sow hope – get vengeance in return.
You are just "robots"
Caught inside your iron shells - so empty inside
You are prisoners of ugliness
You are tied up with wickedness
You are blinded by darkness.
So, you wantonly say
Without even trying to see
She is … cold as ice
… far as stars
… lonely like deserts
… unconquerable like islands
I know
There's no need of a mirror
I seem strong
I look invincible
I appear out of reach.
But no one knows
My golden box is very heavy
No one goes beyond my smile
No one looks behind my strength
No one tries to unlock my core.
And yet … somehow you know
I can be so many things
Now – a free bird
Then – a pure flower
Forever – a blinding ray
… a woman, a child, a human being.
But you are blind
You can't see me down here
Sighing like a hungry child
Craving for love
Calling for attention
Being in need of company
Infinitely deep inside the heavy golden box
… weakness dwells
… distrust grows
… loneliness lingers
… tears drip.
A mystery
That's what I am inside
Hidden by a golden box
Whipped with your hatred
Stifled by your envy
Deafened by your silence
Hurt by your malice.
You dreadful dehumanized fools
You hate my beauty
You envy my brightness
You crush my trust
You are all blinded by nothingness –
That's why you can't stand the mystery
inside this heavy golden box.