~~ I decided to share this one with you because of two reasons - I think it relates well to the lyrics I chose for my previous post and because the presidential elections are knocking at our door, here, in Romania:)
~~ Enjoy:) And listen again to the song called "Tom Sawyer" by Rush!!
by 2na/ T.O.S.
You think you're free,
But you are slave to their stupidity.
You think you're well,
But you are ruined by their demagogy.
They sell you lies,
They say transition.
Why can't you see it's their ambition
To call like this our crisis?
They want you to choose them
Every time.
But in return they only give you
Promises and lies.
Freedom of speech – You bet you have it!
But only in your mind.
Because in real life you are too coward
To say what's wrong or right
You know your rights but you don't know how
To use them for yourself.
But every four years you learn how
To use them for their wealth.
You go now and choose the one
That you consider the best
Go and put another straw
To his comfortable nest.
All you have is for today
Cause you never know tomorrow.
With them leading you to nowhere
You'll soon see just pain and sorrow.
After choosing your "great" leader
You discover he has sins,
He loves crimes and assassins,
He uses you as toilet paper
Voice of rage you hear now screaming
Inside your ignorant mind
Between those cheap market clones – called politicians
Only the best you can't find.
Of course, now, you start to scream
That you want another leader
With your friends you make a team
REVOLUTION – is what now the best you consider.
Hey, you stupid man
Just turn and look behind your back,
You are the one who chose those men.
Why do you want to break their necks?
~~Photo by Taxony.