duminică, 1 mai 2011

Pieces of life

~ I've become greedy with words lately. Out of lack of time or of inspiration I rarely post anything here. My writing skills seem to have abandonned me completely - why that is I can't explain.
So I will share photos, bits of my life captured in timeless, lifeless pictures.

~ I will write again about my books. The only things, other than music, that keep me awake in the morning and accompany me in my daily subway rides. Yes, I read in the subway trains, every morning, a few pages :)
I have recently bought these books and can't wait to read them. (The Easter Bunny brought them to me - LOL)

The first book, The Storyteller by Mario V. Llosa, was recommended to me a long time ago by my friend and elementary school desk mate. I never took the time to read it but when I saw it in the library a week ago I decided it's time for me to read it :)
The second one, Her name was Sarah by Tatiana de Rosnay, is such a popular book, a best-seller actually. I keep seeing it on the internet, on FB. A movie was also made after it. I just have to read it :)

~ Other news about my life:

1. A have a new plushie. It's a cute yellow bunny named Alex. My work mates gave it to me as a Easter present. So nice of them :)

2. I took up Chinese language classes so yes, Wŏ xúexí Hànyǔ ~ I'm learning Chinese.

3. I got my first passport (but have no plans for a trip yet).

4. And I love this colorful photo.

Un comentariu:

myonlyphoto spunea...

Oh D's what a beautiful make over of the blog, not to mention the header words, absolutely love them. Hey sometimes we have nothing to say. That's okay, you are just getting ready ... it is okay to wait. Nice photos to share, love the radish and onion photo too. Anna :)