duminică, 18 decembrie 2011

Christmas wishlist - part 3 - Plushies and Books

~Plushies have a special place on my Christmas wishlist :)

1. Lotso Bear available here :) I this bear.

2. These cute guys are available at Barnes & Noble ( here & here)

3. These cute little freaks are from here

4. EEyore is also available at B&N, right here. I him so much :)

~ And books.... also available at B&N and probably many others libraries.

1. Sylvia Plath - The Collected Poems

2. Dante - The Devine Comedy

3. W. Shakespeare - Complete Works

4. Anthony Burgess - A Clockwork Orange ( have already read it in Romanian, I'd like to try it in English too)

marți, 13 decembrie 2011

Christmas wishlist - part 2 - Perfumes & Lingerie :)

~ Burberry Sport & L'eau D'Issey Florale

~ A few hot items by Sarrieri available here :

~ And a few by Victoria's Secret available here :

~ Also from Victoria's Secret, a few cute, comfy pjs :)

miercuri, 7 decembrie 2011

Christmas wishlist - part 1 - UGG

~ I think I've started putting up my Christmas wishlist about a month ago... but not because I hope that Santa will bring me any item from my list...I won't even show it to any of my possible Santas...I just think it's cool to look for stuff you may need or simply like even if you don't need it.
~ After all, I can be my own Santa if I really want to :)
~ Here are a few UGG items I came across and thought they were cute enough to be added to the list :)

1. Evera Shoes

2. Knit Hobo

3. Josie Woman
4. Santa Fe Tote

5. Metallic Mini

~ all found here.

sâmbătă, 21 mai 2011

Poetry for D

~ Only that this time D doesn't stand for Doina....

Christmas morning

Just like a Christmas morning you are

Fresh and funny like the millions of snowflakes falling freely from the sky

With that ocean of peace and calm and quiet that lies beyond them.

Full of wonderful surprises wrapped up in glittery paper and colorful strings

Awaiting for someone to see, reveal and accept them.

Just like a Christmas morning…

With that bit of stingy coldness that freezes noses and fills lungs with icy air

And with its sweet, familiar smell of ginger and orange and cinnamon.


Anxious and happy like a child I reveal your surprises one by one

I sit and unwrap them while they fill my heart with joy and love and gratitude.

I discover and fall in love with you again and again

Because somehow you always stay new.

I breathe your coolness that freezes my nose and tickles my cheeks,

I sip from your ocean and I find comfort and relief,

I taste from your ginger and orange and cinnamon smell and I feel safe

Because in my heart I know I am home.

© 2011 The Outlaws' Song

~ photo credit: Treshca

duminică, 1 mai 2011

Pieces of life

~ I've become greedy with words lately. Out of lack of time or of inspiration I rarely post anything here. My writing skills seem to have abandonned me completely - why that is I can't explain.
So I will share photos, bits of my life captured in timeless, lifeless pictures.

~ I will write again about my books. The only things, other than music, that keep me awake in the morning and accompany me in my daily subway rides. Yes, I read in the subway trains, every morning, a few pages :)
I have recently bought these books and can't wait to read them. (The Easter Bunny brought them to me - LOL)

The first book, The Storyteller by Mario V. Llosa, was recommended to me a long time ago by my friend and elementary school desk mate. I never took the time to read it but when I saw it in the library a week ago I decided it's time for me to read it :)
The second one, Her name was Sarah by Tatiana de Rosnay, is such a popular book, a best-seller actually. I keep seeing it on the internet, on FB. A movie was also made after it. I just have to read it :)

~ Other news about my life:

1. A have a new plushie. It's a cute yellow bunny named Alex. My work mates gave it to me as a Easter present. So nice of them :)

2. I took up Chinese language classes so yes, Wŏ xúexí Hànyǔ ~ I'm learning Chinese.

3. I got my first passport (but have no plans for a trip yet).

4. And I love this colorful photo.

vineri, 8 aprilie 2011


~~ The safest place...

luni, 7 februarie 2011

Just because you're my friend :)

~ For my friend, Andra :)

duminică, 9 ianuarie 2011


~ Just a piece of poetry I wrote a long long time ago....Robots..

By Doina P.

Te uiţi în oglinda

şi vezi doar durere.

Priveşti în jur

dar nu-ţi poţi face o părere

Ar trebui să ţipi

apoi să fugi să şi să dispari

Văd! Te-ai destrămat

Dar nu mai ştii să te repari.

Eşti prizonier banal

al cotidianului nemilos

Nu mai simţi decât durere,

eşti mereu invidos.

Treci mereu grăbit prin viaţă

fără a realiza ceva

Treci grăbit prin toate

fără măcar a învăţa.

Te uiţi în jurul tău

nimic nu are rost.

Te uiţi la flori

şi-ţi zici că n-au folos.

Priveşti spre cer

gândind că-i prea noros

Vezi un copil

şi-ţi pare prea gălăgios.

Guşti marea

şi spui că-i prea sărată

Zăreşti o stea

şi îţi şopteşti că-i prea îndepărtată.

Nimic nu-i bun,

eşti mereu nemulţumit

Ai uitat de mult

cum e să fii fericit

Devii treptat

o fiinţă tot mai rece.

Mori câte puţin

cu fiecare zi ce trece

Te încrezi în simţuri

dar ele te înşeală

Fiecare secundă înseamnă

pentru tine o nouă greşeală

Eşti o umbră în viaţă,

un sărman cadavru rătăcit.

Eşti o epavă putrezită,

un anonim cavou nelocuit.

Nu găseşti puterea

să crezi în feţi – frumoşi sau în balauri

Te-ncununezi acum

cu ai banalului spinoşi lauri

Nu poţi lăsa să intre

inocenţa ce îţi bate la uşă neîncetat

Te crezi înţelept

şi te afunzi în absurd neînfricat.

Nu mai poţi crede

în visuri tangibile

Te gândeşti mereu

la himere incredibile.

Nu mai vezi frumuseţea.

Nu mai simţi dulceaţa

Nu mai distingi armonia.

te îngroapă încontinuu ceaţa.

Victima a absurdului

în care singur ai intrat,

i-ai închis uşa inocenţei,

copilăria singur ţi-ai furat.

Eşti demn de milă

şi îmi provoci cumplită silă.

Eşti un copil mort

într-o carapace de adult,

Un robot stricat

ce nu – şi găseşte locul pe Pământ.

~ Fotocredit: Hello-Big-Fish