vineri, 22 ianuarie 2010

Draggy, tell me the tales that to me were so dear long long ago

Draggy favorite Dragon. I received it from St. Nicholas (my sweet lovely mom) last year. I admit, I have one single vice -- stuffies! I love them and I have a huge collection of them. Received as gifts or bought I love them all. Stuffies are, at any special ocassion, the perfect gift for me. Stuffies, jewelry and flowers - I love them equally:)

Draggy...draggy is a green, yellow and pink colored plush dragon. He's very cute and when pressed on his left arm he sings the following song: Long long ago by Thomas Haynes Bayly. Unfortunately I can't find the song on the internet to post it here. There are a couple of versions of it but non resembles the one my Draggy sings:)

Today i tried to draw Draggy and here's what I've got:

Of course,as you can imagine, Draggy is much cuter and sweeter than my drawing:)

~~ Do you have a favorite stuffie? If you do, does it have a name, a story?

2 comentarii:

Iv Sadovsky Photography spunea...

Ahhmmm....My favorite stuffie is Pooch and Caius from Cezar :P...

myonlyphoto spunea...

Doina but this is the way you see him, and he is very very adorable. Thanks for sharing your hobbies with us, you are so so sweet yourself. Anna :)