~~ This is so great news! My blog has been featured on The BlogRolls . As the superawesome ladies over at The BlogRolles introduce their project: "The BlogRollers are all about promoting the power of female bloggers and are happy to highlight bloggers who sign our BlogRoll."
~~ This is so fantastic! Thank you so much for featuring D's World, ladies:)
Draggy is...my favorite Dragon. I received it from St. Nicholas (my sweet lovely mom) last year. I admit, I have one single vice -- stuffies! I love them and I have a huge collection of them. Received as gifts or bought I love them all. Stuffies are, at any special ocassion, the perfect gift for me. Stuffies, jewelry and flowers - I love them equally:)
Draggy...draggy is a green, yellow and pink colored plush dragon. He's very cute and when pressed on his left arm he sings the following song: Long long ago by Thomas Haynes Bayly. Unfortunately I can't find the song on the internet to post it here. There are a couple of versions of it but non resembles the one my Draggy sings:)
Today i tried to draw Draggy and here's what I've got:
Of course,as you can imagine, Draggy is much cuter and sweeter than my drawing:) ~~ Do you have a favorite stuffie? If you do, does it have a name, a story?
~~ After my grandpa died I discovered me and him shared a common passion for quotes. After he passed away I found on his desk a small collection of quotes that he had cut from some magazines. I took them and sticked them inside a small notebook.
~~ In the last couple of years I have gathered like 3 thick notebooks of handwritten quotes, gathered from the books I've read, magazines, songs, etc.
~~ Every time I look inside these notebooks I find inspiration, strength, hope and wisedom in them.
~~ I'll share a few from my grandpa's notebook with you:
"A lie that heals is better than the truth that hurts." - Sun Tzu
"Ask much from yourself but ask nothing from the others." - Confucius
"In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends" - Martin Luther King
"Mothers are the only flowers that never wither" - Jean Gastaldi
~~ On another note: if you're wondering what's with that picture, it is my latest drawing. My best friend asked me to draw Flounder, Ariel's best friend. So here it is, my version of Flounder:)